Concrete Leveling Dallas lifts sunken or uneven concrete and improves safety, function, and aesthetics. It’s typically less expensive than replacement and does not disrupt landscaping or grass.
Professionals use several methods to lift concrete, but a popular choice is polyurethane foam injection. This process involves drilling penny-sized holes and injecting high-density foam that fills voids and exerts pressure to raise concrete.

Foam injection is a more reliable solution for concrete leveling than traditional mudjacking methods. The injected polyurethane foam expands predictably and evenly, and it’s much easier to monitor pressure dials to avoid overlifting the slab. It’s also impervious to water, eliminating future damage caused by moisture infiltration and preventing future foundation sinking or settling. In addition, the injected foam can reach 90 percent of its full compression strength in just 15 minutes, meaning that the damaged area is ready for use again shortly after technicians complete their work.
The process for foam injection involves drilling dime-sized holes in the sunken slab. Liquid polyurethane is then pumped through the holes, where it undergoes a chemical reaction to expand and lift the sunken slab. The foam is injected in layers, so that the entire sunken slab can be lifted evenly without any gaps or cracks.
This method of concrete leveling is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than other repair methods. It requires fewer materials, less time and labor to complete, and it has a longer lifespan than other methods of concrete lifting. Additionally, the injected foam is non-toxic and has no negative impact on the environment.
A common misconception is that polyurethane foam will deteriorate over time, but this is not the case. It is a long-lasting material that can last for decades, and it will not degrade under normal conditions.
Polyurethane foam is a highly effective method for lifting sunken concrete, and it’s used by many construction companies. However, it’s important to find a certified professional for the job. A certified technician will assess the situation and determine if foam injection is the best solution for your needs. They will also ensure that the site is prepared for the repair process. This may include cleaning and treating the surface, depending on the type of repair needed. They will also use advanced equipment to manage the reaction of the polyurethane to achieve a consistent result. This includes specialized pumps and nozzles, and advanced mixing systems that maintain accurate ratios. Lastly, the professional will use protective gear to minimize exposure to chemicals during the injection process.
Mudjacking is a popular method for lifting concrete slabs that have settled over time. It is a cost-effective option compared to alternatives like complete concrete replacement. However, it is important to note that the mudjacking costs vary depending on the square footage of the concrete that needs to be lifted and the method that your professional chooses to use for the project.
A mudjacking pro will drill holes into the sunken concrete slab and then pump in a mud-like substance. This material is called slurry, although it is not the same thing as that sweet and creamy treat you can get at Sonic(r) or Dairy Queen(r). The slurry mixture fills the holes and voids under the concrete, raising it to the proper level. After the concrete is raised, a mudjacking contractor will patch the drill holes and caulk any cracks in the slab.
This process can be completed in a few hours and does not require any major construction or excavation. Mudjacking is an effective solution for driveways, walkways, and industrial floors that need to support heavy loads. It is also an affordable choice since the materials are easy to find and cheaper than other methods of concrete repair.
However, if the underlying soil is unstable or the slab has not been supported correctly, it may sink again. This is why it is best to consult with a concrete lifting specialist before selecting this repair method for your business.
The expert can assess the damage and provide guidance as to whether mudjacking or an alternative method would be more appropriate for your situation. A commercial mudjacking contractor can recommend the best solution for your specific circumstances, including the severity of the damage and underlying soil conditions.
Both mudjacking and polyurethane foam leveling are effective concrete repair options, but they differ in terms of durability, efficiency, and environmental impact. While mudjacking uses natural ingredients, polyurethane is a chemical-based material. Polyurethane has a lower environmental impact and lasts longer than mudjacking, but it can be more expensive. Both methods achieve the same result — lifting sunken concrete — but it’s important to select the right method for your business based on factors like budget considerations and your long-term goals for maintaining a safe, stable, and level concrete surface.
Stone Slurry Grout
Concrete is one of the strongest and most durable materials in the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s invincible. It’s not uncommon for concrete slabs to become uneven or sink into the ground. When this happens, it’s important to find a concrete leveling professional as soon as possible to prevent further damage and restore the surface. There are several different methods of concrete leveling, but the three most popular are polyurethane foam injection, mudjacking, and stone slurry grout leveling.
Mudjacking involves pumping a mixture of crushed stones, most notably limestone, with water underneath sunken concrete to lift it back up to a safe height. This method is less expensive than polyurethane foam leveling, but it is not suitable for DIY projects and can lead to permanent structural damage if not conducted by trained professionals.
Foam concrete leveling is the most popular type of leveling because it’s fast and cost-effective. It uses a lightweight polyurethane compound that’s injected into the void beneath your concrete slab, and it expands to fill the entire space. This process is much faster than mudjacking, and it requires significantly less pressure.
Polyurethane foam leveling is also more environmentally friendly than mudjacking, and it has a higher compressive strength than concrete, meaning that it can support heavier weights without becoming damaged. Another benefit of this type of leveling is that it is less likely to crack or erode over time.
Stone slurry grout concrete leveling combines elements of mudjacking and polyurethane foam injection to offer an affordable and durable solution for uneven concrete. It involves blending crushed stones, mainly limestone, with water and applying it to the sunken slabs with equipment similar to that used for polyurethane injection. This method is less expensive than mudjacking and offers better control over the material thickness that’s pumped beneath the uneven slabs. It’s also a more environmentally friendly option than mudjacking and has a greater chance of completely filling voids beneath the slabs.
Concrete leveling costs less than replacing concrete. Using mudjacking, a traditional method of returning sunken concrete to its original position, or polyurethane foam injection (also known as polylifting or polyjacking) is far less expensive than demolishing and pouring new concrete, which can run in the thousands. Furthermore, repairing concrete levels is typically completed within a few hours and requires no demolition or construction debris to be hauled away. The drill holes used to lift the concrete are often sealed and blend in with the surrounding concrete slabs, so there is no unsightly patchwork required.
When determining the cost of concrete leveling, homeowners must consider the size and condition of the concrete slab in question. Concrete that sees heavy use, like driveways and garage floors, will require a more expensive lift than smaller, decorative concrete, such as patios. Additionally, some slabs may be more prone to damage due to the soil conditions around the structure.
A free concrete inspection can help homeowners get a better idea of the exact cost of a concrete leveling project. The inspection will also provide an accurate estimate of how long the project will take to complete. Choosing a contractor with flexible scheduling may also help reduce concrete leveling costs, as some contractors offer lower rates during off-peak seasons or when they have more availability.
The cost of concrete leveling can vary by region, but most projects are completed within a few days and cause minimal disruption to the property. The timeframe will depend on the method chosen and how quickly setting materials, such as mud or concrete, can cure.
For the most accurate estimate, homeowners should contact local concrete leveling experts for a free inspection and estimate. They will be able to recommend the best repair method based on the situation and extent of the damage. Choosing a quality contractor will ensure that the concrete is leveled effectively, helping prevent future problems and maximizing the value of the home.